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Monthly horoscope

Astrology Report

Find out what's in store for your star sign including the effects of lunar and planetary transitions and how they affect your business and personal life. Written by resident astrologist Patsy Bennett.

October is a key month of change as it includes two eclipses. The first on the 15th promises changes within certain relationship dynamics.... READ MORE
The eclipse season in October is likely to feel fairly intense, especially as the lunar eclipse on the 29th will be in your sign Taurus, signifying considerable change in your personal life... READ MORE
You’ll appreciate the opportunity in October to devote time to your home and family and creating an environment that brings you a sense of comfort... READ MORE
October’s eclipse season will encourage you to breathe new life into your ventures, career and finances.. READ MORE
Venus in your sign until the 9th brings romance and the chance to indulge in the arts, nature and all your favourite activities... READ MORE
Venus, the planet of love and money will be in your sign after the 9th, placing the attention on your values, and on the people and projects... READ MORE
October’s eclipse season points to considerable developments in your personal life, especially if you were born early to mid-October... READ MORE
Mars and Mercury in your sign from the 12th and 22nd respectively will encourage you to be more proactive and dynamic... READ MORE
You’ll enjoy a sociable month, especially from the 12th onwards. A change of pace or even of place will be inspiring.... READ MORE
This will be a good month to focus on your career, status, general direction and finances... READ MORE
This month's eclipse season will encourage you to find more peace, harmony and sense of belonging... READ MORE
This will be a good month to brush up your communication skills, as you are likely to be drawn into situations... READ MORE