Pisces September 2022
Get organised and take opportunities to move forward as they arise.
Focus will be on your personal and professional relationships, and you’ll gain the chance to develop deeper connections. However, you may be prone to see only the best and the worst in people and be overtly self-critical or critical of others.
This is a good month to reconfigure your daily schedule so it suits you better and changes will be effective mid-month and at the end of September.
You’ll gain the chance to reconsider how you wish to move forward over the ensuing weeks.
Orchard St will help you to go beyond stress with their healing adaptogenic, Adapt Elixir Powder
Find a firm place of balance to encourage less stress responses for a tired body.

“You’ll gain the chance to reconsider how you wish to move forward over the ensuing weeks. ”
Orchard Street
Invite nature into your life with Orchard St. Using adaptogenic elixir powders, vibrational essences and rituals like incense and sage brushes, these daily rituals are designed to enhance and empower.