What is EFT? And what are the benefits?
This process has a simple method, making it a helpful tool that can be used whenever and wherever needed.
Firstly, when confronting negative emotions, it is essential to navigate the identifying issue that is causing you emotional, mental or physical discomfort. Concentrating solely on this matter and understanding its level of intensity will be the key to a successful tapping. Some problems will cause small stresses; others, of course, can be far more severe; putting the appropriate weight on the issue will also help your subconscious metabolise the source of your suffering. Acceptance is a big part of overcoming; acknowledging that the subject in focus does exist and is very real to you is vital in facing life’s uncertainties. Despite this, you can provide a healing solace within yourself to cope.
During your EFT tapping, you need to establish a dialogue to go with the tapping motion; a simple but powerful statement will enhance the overall outcome, for example, “Even though I have a great fear/anguish over this problem, I deeply and completely accept myself.” There are nine main meridian points throughout the body: the karate chop point (located by the small intestine), top of the head, the eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, the chin, the collarbone, and under the arm. Moving down the body in ascending order, tap seven times on every point before circling back to the karate chop point. Each area has its own communication channel to different vital organs that transmit signals to your brain. This will press pause on your instinctual fight and flight mode and convert your focus to find a source of self-comfort within the moment. Combined with your recited line, this can be an incredibly effective means of managing your emotions on your own terms.