Gemini March 2024
Patsy shares her insights into the month ahead so you can prepare for the best!
You’ll be drawn to new horizons via travel, study and investing in your self-development or even undertaking legal matters. The Pisces new moon and supermoon on the 10th will be inspiring, and could open doors with new projects and ideas. An eclipse season begins around the lunar eclipse on the 25th, which will bring changes at home and at work. You may even be drawn to a change of direction. Try to get talks on the table before the end of the month to avoid delays in April.
Capture the essence of your travel, study or self development with the Magic Of I Journal in Teal As you navigate new horizons and explore self-development opportunities, this journal provides a space to reflect, set intentions, and cultivate gratitude. Embrace each day with mindfulness and intentionality, ensuring your wellness and personal growth are at the forefront of your journey in March and beyond.