Sagittarius April 2024
Patsy shares her insights into the month ahead so you can prepare for the best!
Mercury will be retrograde from the 2nd, so be sure to keep discussions clear and tactful for best results, especially with family and your projects. The solar eclipse on the 9th will spotlight your own vulnerability or that of someone close. You may need to keep an eye on health and well-being this month, or enlist the help of an expert. Be prepared to make a commitment at home or with family. Changes around the 21st and 24th will help you to transform your work or health routine.
The Ananda Life Jord Body Mist uses evocative and intriguing scents of patchouli, geranium, lavender and rose essentials oils designed to be applied at any time during the day, or to be used on linen or as room spray creating an ambient and comfortable environment leaving Sagittarius’s feeling grounded and in control this month.