Taurus June 2023
Early June will be an ideal time to look at the bigger picture, especially in light of your relationships, finances, home and personal goals. If you feel you have gone slightly off-path, this will be an ideal month to get things back on track. Jupiter in Taurus until next year will bring abundance and luck your way, but it could also bring a propensity to overspend. Luckily, the new moon on the 18th will help you to put in place a fresh budget that suits your needs.
To assist you in achieving a well-defined and balanced look while aligning with your financial goals, consider incorporating the RCMA 5-Part Series Highlight & Contour Palette into your makeup routine. This versatile palette offers a selection of shades to enhance your features and create dimension, allowing you to achieve a professional-quality contour and highlight.
Just as early June encourages you to look at the bigger picture, the RCMA Highlight & Contour Palette allows you to approach your makeup with a comprehensive perspective. By strategically highlighting and contouring, you can enhance your natural features, define your facial structure, and create a harmonious look that aligns with your personal goals.