Taurus October 2022
Meetings and talks with family and friends will be productive in October, so be sure to organise important discussions as these could improve both business and personal relationships.
The full moon on the 10th will kick-start a fresh daily routine and encourage you to look for more balance in your schedule. Be patient if communications are truly not at their best early in October, as you’ll find they will improve mid-month.
The solar eclipse on the 25th will kick-start a fresh phase in your partnerships and romantically if you were born around April 25th-26th and, for all Taureans, there will be the chance to spend more time with the people you love.
When you’re anticipating important discussions, we suggest cleansing your space with a sage stick so you can create a safe space for all involved. Our Bhon Bhon Purify Wand. The Purify Wand combines a sage stick with tea tree, star anise and clear quartz. Use this wand to clear a negative space or mindset and clearly hold your intention for the positivity you want to create moving forward. Sage has been used for centuries to cleanse a person or space of unwanted energy and is considered to promote healing and wisdom. Tea tree cleanses the soul of toxicity, bringing in fresh and clean energy.