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Monthly horoscope

Astrology Report

Find out what's in store for your star sign including the effects of lunar and planetary transitions and how they affect your business and personal life. Written by resident astrologist Patsy Bennett.

The solar eclipse on the 3rd coupled with the Aries supermoon on the 17th could bring a fresh start in these areas, so be sure to take the initiative this month... READ MORE
The solar eclipse on the 3rd puts the spotlight on the level of fulfilment you’re experiencing in your daily life... READ MORE
The solar eclipse on the 3rd marks a turning point in your personal, family or domestic life... READ MORE
Mars in your sign this month will provide you with an energy boost, but may elicit more motivation or even anger than you’re used to, so be sure to pace yourself... READ MORE
The sun in Libra puts the focus on your communications and relationships now. Romance could thrive, so be sure to take the initiative... READ MORE
October could bring important financial developments your way...READ MORE
You may have to make a tough call in the process, so ensure you look for balance within the choices you make this month, especially towards the supermoon on the 17th... READ MORE
Venus, the planet astrologers associate not only with love, but also with money, is in your sign until the 18th, which will help you to bring more love and money into your life...READ MORE
The circles you spend time with are likely to change and developments point to a busy time and so perspective will be needed... READ MORE
But if a door closes that you’d hoped wouldn’t, rest assured it is because something better is on the horizon... READ MORE
Early October could bring changes at home or with family... READ MORE
The solar eclipse on the 3rd may involve a little upheaval but October will present the chance to update aspects of your life you have outgrown... READ MORE