Winter Green Immunity Smoothie
Assist your immune system with this powerful concoction designed to ease adrenal fatigue and top up your vitamins and nutrients with fresh herbs, vegetables, fruit and supportive superfood blends.
An easy and delicious way to get more fresh foods into your diet while adding powders and tinctures to boost your smoothie into a superfood tonic.
- 1 Cup Spinach
- 1/2 Cup Parsley
- 1 x Cucumber
- 1/2 Avocado
- 2-4 Tbsp Mint
- 2-4 Tbsp Alfalfa
- 3 x Mejool Dates
- 3 x Lychee
- 2 Cups Coconut Milk
- 10 Drops Immune Herbal Tincture From Orchard St
- 1/2 tsp Jing Adrenal Tonic From Superfeast
- 1 Tbsp Chia Seeds (White or Black)
Low in saturated fat and cholesterol, spinach is a good source of niacin, zinc, dietary fibre, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E (alpha tocopherol), vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, copper and manganese.
Rich source of antioxidants that promotes optimal health with a good dose vitamin K.
Low in saturated fat and very low in cholesterol and sodium. A good source of vitamin A, pantothenic acid, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese and an excellent source of vitamin C, K & potassium.
Very low in cholesterol and sodium. Avocados are an excellent source of diteray fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K & folate.
Promotes digestion and appetite. Adds a fresh aroma and taste to any smoothie.
It is estimated there can be up to 100 times more enzymes in sprouts than uncooked fruit and vegetables. Sprouts contain 20-35% absorbable protein as well as calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium, zinc, lecithin and a range of vitamins including A, B1, B2, B3 and C.
Mejool Dates
Rich in essential nutrients that are required for normal growth, development and overall well-being.
Good source of copper, vitamin C and a natural antioxidant to help fight infections. A good source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin and folate.
Coconut Milk
Good source of manganese and offers health benefits that include increased energy, natural antibiotic activity, cholesterol reduction and insulin stabilisation.
Immune Blend From Orchard St
A potent tincture to support the immune system that includes water, echinacea, elderflower, Kakadu plum and raw local honey.
Jing Blend From Superfeast
Tonic herb blend to support the adrenals that includes cucommia bark, cordyceps, goji berry, rehmannia root, cistanche stem and dendrobium stem extract powders.
Chia Seeds
Very low in cholesterol and sodium and a good source of calcium and phosphorus and an excellent source of dietary fibre and manganese.